Thursday, November 28, 2019

Creep test lab report Sample

Creep test lab report Paper Support the beam by raising the support screw (l) until it slightly lifts the beam 3. Close the doors of the test area and switch on the main power 4. Adjust the temperature to a desired value by using the temperature controller S. Switch on the heater (E), 6. Wait for the temperature inside the test area to achieve steady-state. 7. Then, lower the support screw until it no longer supports the beam. 8, Adjust the dial gauge (F) so that it gives a zero reading. 9. Attach the weight hanger (H) and sired amount of weights at the end of the beam. I C, Set the timer (B) to one minute, and switch on the timer 11. Once one minute has elapsed (the alarm should trigger), record the dial gauge reading. 12. Repeat steps 10 and II for additional readings. 13. Once the experiment is over, switch Off heater, timer and main power _ 14. Tabulate the results, and plot the graph of strain vs.. Time. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS I _ Always wear gloves when attempting to retrieve a hot specimen to avoid injury. If possible, allow the specimen to cool down for at least 10 minutes before removing it from the oven. 2. DO not set the temperature to exceed CZ, as this may cause damage to electrical components and sensors in the unit. We will write a custom essay sample on Creep test lab report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Creep test lab report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Creep test lab report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Tipos de visas de trabajo y casos en que aplican

Tipos de visas de trabajo y casos en que aplican Estados Unidos permite cada aà ±o que miles de extranjeros ingresen al paà ­s para trabajar legalmente en una amplà ­sima variedad de profesiones y ocupaciones. Este derecho se concede por medio de ms de una veintena de diferentes visas de trabajo, que pueden ser permanentes o temporales. En este à ºltimo caso, el titular debe renovarla, cambiar su situacià ³n migratoria o salir del paà ­s una vez que su visa expire. Visas de inmigrante: tarjeta de residencia o green card Las personas con habilidades extraordinarias puedan solicitar una visa EB-1. Aplica a deportistas, cientà ­ficos, educadores, empresarios y artistas de reconocido prestigio como, por ejemplo, los ganadores de un premio Nobel o de una medalla olà ­mpica. Estas personas pueden solicitar la visa por sà ­ mismas rellenando el formulario I-140 del Servicio de Ciudadanà ­a e Inmigracià ³n de los Estados Unidos (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Profesores universitarios, investigadores, ejecutivos de multinacionales, personas con estudios de doctorado finalizados o licenciados con al menos cinco aà ±os de experiencia laboral, deportistas, artistas, cientà ­ficos o empresarios con habilidades excepcionales pueden conseguir una visa de trabajo permanente EB-2. A diferencia de las EB-1, las visas EB-2 exigen que la peticià ³n sea realizada por un empleador de Estados Unidos. Es decir, requiere la existencia previa de una oferta de trabajo concreta. Adems, es necesario obtener una certificacià ³n laboral individual del Departamento de Trabajo de Estados Unidos. La à ºnica excepcià ³n a esta certificacià ³n es poder demostrar ante el USCIS que se tiene capacidad especial que puede favorecer los intereses nacionales de Estados Unidos. Asimismo, tambià ©n pueden obtener una visa permanente de trabajo, en este caso una EB-3, los profesionales con estudios universitarios, los trabajadores con conocimientos especiales con al menos dos aà ±os de experiencia o entrenamiento o, incluso, trabajadores sin habilidades especiales. En estos casos es necesario cumplir con los siguientes requisitos: que un empresario en Estados Unidos realice una oferta de trabajo permanente y a tiempo completo.que el empleador no encuentre en ese momento a una persona estadounidense o residente permanente que pueda cubrir el puesto de trabajo vacante.que el Departamento de Trabajo certifique la capacidad laboral de la persona extrajera.que el empleador presente ante el USCIS el formulario I-140 y demuestre la capacidad para pagar el salario que ofrece por el trabajo. Adems, situaciones muy diferentes como ser mà ©dico, haber trabajador en la Zona del Canal de Panam, ser monja o cura, trabajar para una organizacià ³n internacional, como la ONU o la OEA, o haber trabajador para la OTAN puede dar derecho a ser beneficiario de una visa de trabajo permanente EB-4. El formulario a rellenar es el I-360 y el cà ³nyuge e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de las personas que obtengan un visado EB-4 pueden residir legalmente en Estados Unidos. Por à ºltimo, la persona extranjera que invierta un millà ³n de dà ³lares -o medio millà ³n si la inversià ³n se hace en una determinada zona que el gobierno favorece con el objetivo de crear empleo- y genere un mà ­nimo de 10 puestos de trabajo tiene derecho a obtener la visa permanente EB-5. Visas de trabajo temporal Existen una veintena de visas temporales para trabajar en Estados Unidos y que solicitan profesionales tan distintos como modelos, ingenieros, enfermeras, trabajadores temporales del campo o personas con habilidades artà ­sticas o cientà ­ficas especiales.   Una de las visas ms populares es la H-1B. Salvo en el caso de los modelos, las personas titulares de esta visa deben poseer un tà ­tulo universitario y deben trabajar en un campo considerado por las autoridades estadounidenses como una â€Å"ocupacià ³n especial†. Entre los profesionales que pueden beneficiarse de esta visa se encuentran, entre otros, maestros, ingenieros, arquitectos, abogados y matemticos. Cada aà ±o se fija por ley el nà ºmero de visas H-1B que pueden concederse, siendo en la actualidad 65,000. Pero existen un cupo de 20,000 para las personas que hayan obtenido sus maestrà ­as o doctorados en universidades estadounidenses. Cuando el nà ºmero de solicitantes excede al cupo de visas disponible se realiza una  loterà ­a de visas. Asimismo, existen cupos especiales para los nacionales de ciertos paà ­ses como Chile, para quien se reserva un cupo de 1,400 visas. Y no estn sujetas a cupo las visas otorgadas a trabajadores de centros de investigacià ³n. Una buena alternativa para la visa H-1 son las TN para profesionales, pero sà ³lo pueden sacarla canadienses y mexicanos. Estas son las 60 profesiones que permiten aplicar por estas visas. Otras visas temporales populares son la O-1, para personas con habilidades extraordinarias en las ciencias, las artes, el deporte o el mundo de los negocios. La P-1A para deportistas reconocidos (incluidos jugadores profesionales de videojuegos, a quien Inmigracià ³n equipara a deportistas de à ©lite). Otras visas son la P-1B, P-2 y P-3 para los artistas de prestigio y la H-2A para trabajadores agrà ­colas y las H-2B para temporeros en actividades que no estn relacionadas con la agricultura o las C1/D para trabajar en cruceros para los que es necesario ingresar a Estados Unidos para embarcar en el barco en el que se va a trabajar. Los cruceros que inician sus viajes en EE.UU. contratan cada aà ±o a miles de personas en distintas calidades de trabajos, muchos son extranjeros. Frecuentemente, agencias de contratacià ³n seleccionan a los empleados para cruceros. Los sueldos que se brindan son superiores al salario mà ­nimo en Estados Unidos. Otra visa con particularidades propias en la B-1 para empleados domà ©sticos. Por à ºltimo, destacan las de la familia J-1 (visas de intercambio). Con ellas se puede trabajar temporalmente en EEUU en capacidades muy distintas, como por ejemplo: au pair (nià ±era)maestro (docente)prcticas profesionalesmà ©dicos que realizan la residencia en Estados Unidos para especializarsetrabajo en ONGs de Estados Unidos por programa J-1.Visa para universitarios extranjeros para trabajar en USA durante el veranoVisa para monitores de campamento en USA Familiares: cà ³nyuge e hijos Salvo excepciones, como en el caso de las visas L-1A y L-1B concedidas a ejecutivos y gerentes enviados por sus empresas a trabajar a sus oficinas en Estados Unidos. Otro caso es el de los supuestos de las visas tipo E otorgadas a cierto tipo de comerciantes e inversionistas, los cà ³nyuges de las personas beneficiadas por una visa de trabajo temporal podrn vivir legalmente en Estados Unidos, pero no podrn dispondrn de permiso de trabajo. Recientemente se cambià ³ esta regla pero sà ³lo para casos muy excepcionales de personas que tengan una H-4 En muchos casos se puede, adems, obtener una visa derivada para los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Si estn estudiando la primaria o la secundaria es muy importante familiarizarse cuanto antes con las particularidades y opciones que brinda el sistema educativo de los Estados Unidos. Tramitacià ³n urgente de las visas de trabajo Por à ºltimo, destacar que varias visas de trabajo (pero no todas) permiten su tramitacià ³n por và ­a rpida, rellenando el formulario I-907 y pagando $1,225 a mayores. Asà ­ pues, la inmigracià ³n para trabajar en Estados Unidos est abierta. En algunos casos la misma persona puede optar por ms de un tipo de visa. Antes de elegir deber examinar con cuidado los requisitos de cada una, el nà ºmero de visas que se conceden anualmente en cada categorà ­a y los meses e incluso aà ±os de espera que existen en algunas de ellas. Tiempos de demora Verifica las semanas o meses (o aà ±os) que hay que esperar para diversos trmites migratorios: Corte, visas, residencia, PERM para obtener autorizacià ³n del Departamento de Trabajo o solicitudes al USCIS. De interà ©s Estas son las 30  profesiones donde ms crecer la demanda de empleo en los prà ³ximos ocho aà ±os, segà ºn el Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos. Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

THE RHETORICAL SITUATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

THE RHETORICAL SITUATION - Essay Example ance with the author of the piece under consideration, the main reason why students fail at learning English is associated with their teachers’ inability to get their knowledge of the language across because of their incompetence as well as outmoded approach to teaching English. At the same time, the author claims the situation is improving, even though the changes take place randomly and do not promise immediate results. Throughout the article, the author uses Aristotelian type of argument. First, he makes an argument that many counties fail at teaching English and then uses a range of examples, mostly statistical data, to persuade the audience and confirm the position. Therefore, the major technique to reach the audience, which is used by the author, is the appeal to reasoning. In particular, it is inductive reasoning that is utilized: the author starts with an example of the specific case and then passes on to broad

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Assignment about lean six sigma Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

About lean six sigma - Assignment Example Common Team Tools and Their Application to Lean Six Sigma Six Sigma refers to an approach that involves a rigorous procedure that ensures a team delivers its maximum yield. Its philosophy is best summarized by the abbreviation DMAIC, which stands for definition, measurement, analysis, improvement, and control (Donald & Kubiak, p. 23). This method defines the required steps that a Six Sigma practitioner must follow. It starts with the identification of the problem and follows through to the implementation of a long lasting solution. This methodology is widely accepted and practiced. Team tools are the assessments, ice breakers and other practical activities that are employed to help teams get back on track, move forward or help build trust among team members (Donald & Kubiak, p. 23). This section discusses the team tools as applied to Six Sigma. Definition is the first step of any project during which the business goal and potential resources, project depth, and timeline are clearly d efined. The problem is defined, customers identified, and the way forward charted. The measurement concept entails data collection in a bid to establish the performance standard. This measure will be compared to the measure at conclusion to establish whether goals have been met. This measured data is critical since it forms the basis for gauging the performance of a project team. At analysis, the main task is to identify, corroborate, and select causes for elimination. A number of root causes are identified and a vote is cast, the top three or four causes are identified and the process is done recursively using complex analysis tools until the valid root cause is identified (Donald & Kubiak, p. 23). In improvement, solutions to problems are identified, tested, and implemented. Measurement identifies the creative measures to solve or eliminate the problem identified in the previous step. Techniques such as ‘Six Thinking Hats’ and ‘Design of Experiments’ are used in this step. These techniques may be avoided incase solutions are obvious. Finally, the control stage serves to sustain the gains as improvements are monitored to ensure sustainable output. This process also involves an update of training and business strategies and records. In some cases, control chart techniques are used to graphically assess the stability and progress of a progress. Types of Teams The most common on teams are the vertical/functional teams. These are teams formed to execute explicit tasks and routinely include members from various levels in the hierarchy or a business. Modestly put, a vertical team consists of a manager working with subordinates in a certain functional department (Devine, p. 330). Examples of vertical or functional teams include departments in an organization such as Accounts, personnel or Engineering. On the other hand, horizontal or cross-functional teams consist of experts from different departments coming together to work on various task s within an organization. The team members may come from different departments such as design, research and development, technical, and marketing. Once formed, horizontal teams are typically self-directed and make decisions that do not need the approval of the management (Devine, p. 302). Horizontal

Monday, November 18, 2019

Pseudophryne corroboree Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Pseudophryne corroboree - Assignment Example A species recovery program was implemented to identify the processes that threaten species and formulate a definite strategy to properly address such threatening process and execute recovery actions. In March 1997, three P. corroboree populations were chosen for population augmentation: Dargal Range (Site A) population with 32 calling males, Jugumba Range (Site B) population with 13 calling males, and Round Mountain Range (Site C) population with 2 calling males. These sites were inspected after the breeding season to collect clutches for captive rearing at the Amphibian Research Center (ARC) in Melbourne. Sixteen nest out of 25 male nests in the three sites contained eggs. From the 16 nests, 374 eggs were gathered for captive rearing while 324 left in their respective nests for filed comparison. The highest level of mortality in the three field sites was observed during the over-winter stage, with total mortality in site B. For the captive-reared tadpoles, the highest rate of mortality was observed in the post-winter tadpole stage. The percentage of captive-reared animals survived was higher than the percentage survived at Site B, while there was no significant difference between the rate of survival for Site A and captive-rearing. Thirty-eight percent of the eggs collected from Site A survived through to metamorphosis as compared to 31% survival in the field (Hunter, Osborne, Marantelli, and Green 161). Fifty-three percent of the captive-reared animals survived through to metamorphosis, while Site B has no survivorship. Seventy percent of the captive-reared that was collected from S ite C has survived through to metamorphosis and only 13% of eggs left in the field survived (Hunter, Osborne, Marantelli, and Green 162). During the post-winter stage, the field tadpoles had higher rate of survival than the captive-reared animals, in which early release tadpoles exhibited higher survival rate than the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Marketing analysis of Taylors Education Group

Marketing analysis of Taylors Education Group Taylors Education Group has been a household name in Malaysia for four decades known for producing all-rounded graduates with on-hand work experience which will enable them to be competitive and assertive in the working environment. Taylors has contributed much to Malaysias economic prosperity seeing as Taylors is expanding not only domestically but also internationally. Taylors started with humble beginnings, with only a small block in Jalan Pantai, Kuala Lumpur offering only one program. Today, Taylors has 5 campuses including the very recently established Taylors Lakeside Campus which offers a multitude of courses which comprises of diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Apart from that, Taylors 10 year mission is to become a university of 20,000 students renowned for its teaching excellence and the distinctive quality of its graduates. At the rate Taylors is growing, there is no doubt that mission can be accomplished in 5 years let alone 10 years. Taylors effective miss ion statement, Wisdom. Integrity. Excellence is undoubtedly one of the reasons why many students are attracted to this educational institution. Taylors mission statement positions students to think of Taylors as a premium and exclusive educational institution that offers excellent education quality while inculcating discipline at the same time. Taylors core purpose to educate the youth of the world to take their productive places as leaders in the global community also plays an important role in drawing students into the educational institution. In addition to that, Taylors also promises 5 core values in all of their programs. Firstly, Taylors believes in Respecting and caring for each other. Taylors promises to create an environment where everyone is appreciated disregarding personal, cultural, racial or religion differences. Taylors does this by providing a safe place to express your opinions. Besides that, exercising responsibility will also be encouraged. The efforts of individu als and groups will also be recognized and respected. Secondly, Taylors also believes in Being dedicated to a culture of excellence. Taylors will systematically and purposefully do the best they can to achieve their organizational goals. Thus, Taylors will continually look for methods to improve themselves through continual learning and adopting methods which will contribute to Taylors long term objectives and goals. Thirdly, Taylors also believes in Openness in communication. Taylors promotes being honest in daily exchanges, and if this is done in a kind and respectful manner, trust and understanding will be developed. Fourthly, Taylors believes in Acting with integrity. Taylors will obey the codes of conduct and be ethical in their daily processes to build a culture of openness within the organization and society at large. Fifthly, Taylors also believe in Being passionate in what we do. Taylors believes by doing things passionately, it will inspire others to want to do better. Las tly, Taylors believes in Creating enjoyable environments. This assignment is mainly to study the Taylors education group, in terms of how they market their programs and education. The main focus in this assignment is the newly built Taylors Lakeside Campus. From here, well analyze how the Taylors education group has successfully turned this project into a great profit making campus. This assignment will study their marketing strategies by analyzing the companys strengths, weaknesses, opportunities threats (SWOT Analysis), the companys segmentation and positioning strategy and the companys marketing mix. Well also provide recommendations to improve their marketing strategies at the Taylors Lakeside Campus towards the end of this assignment. SWOT Analysis The two types of internal factors that affect the company to reach its objective are strengths and weaknesses. Firstly, the strength of Taylors college is it has a strong background and a history of 42 years. The forty two years of history include proven experience in university level education and training with growing emphasis on research to further enhance the quality of the university. This can be proven by the recognition from Ministry of Higher Education with the prestigious Excellence in Research and Development award 2005/06. Taylors University had developed a strong brand name and causes an increase in market share and brand equity. It has a famous slogan that is Wisdom, Integrity, Excellence. Taylors Universitys drive for wisdom, quest for integrity and thirst for excellence made it become a famous academic institution and is able to deliver a high quality education. Besides that, the strength of Taylors university is it offers a variety of high value and quality national r ecognized programs. The university offers architecture, design, biosciences, business, communication, IT, engineering, hospitality, law and medicine program. The academic activities adapted to the more recent socio-economic trends resulting in the development of a broad range of courses. The variety program that Taylors University provided proven that it is a powerful one stop education organization. The linking arrangement with foreign universities ensures the quality assurance of the courses and examinations. Moreover, the high development in teaching and learning skills are the strength of Taylors university. The establishment of Integrated Teaching and Life-long Learning Center at Taylors (InTeLLeCT) is to ensure the provision of relevant, innovative, and excellent learning experiences at Taylors. It creates learning experience through excellent teaching, outstanding academic student support initiatives, and an innovative and technology-driven learning environment. (Taylors Univ ersity 2011) By investing in InTeLLect, it ensures the continuous improvement of human resources by creating an experienced academic and support staff to educate more quality students. The high quality lecturers can be proved by one of the lecturers from the School of Engineering Dr TVN Padmesh for being awarded with the Young Scientist Paper Award 5th International Conference of Environmental Science and Technology 2010 in Texas, USA from July 12-16. In addition, geographical location and comfortable campus environment also adds to the strength of Taylors University. Taylors University is located at Subang Jaya and there are high amount of population and fast rising developments. It is well connected to the cities of Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam and the townships of Petaling Jaya therefore it is a good location. Taylors university offers the best campus environment and provide the best facilities among the competitors. The facilities provided are new and comprehensive, an example of fac ilities that is provided is the library, sports and recreation centre, hostel, lecture theatres, student central, sick bay, experiment labs and food court. (Taylors 2011) On the other hand, the weakness of Taylors University is it is charging a higher price than others competitor in the education market. For example, Taylors university is charging double the price of Help University College for the business program. The higher price charge sometimes will affect the consumer decision to choose Taylors university and unsatisfied consumers may end up going to other universities. Taylors university must ensure that the price charged should create superior value and provide value-added services to the consumer. Besides that, the weakness of the university is the choices of twinning program that it offers are limited. For example, Help University College is the biggest competitor at this point because it offers more university choices and has better partner universities. Taylors university should improve the choices for partner universities to gain its market share. The two types of external factors that affect the company to reach its objective are opportunities and threats. The opportunity of Taylors university is there is an increase in the awareness of the importance in attaining tertiary education. Nowadays, most organisations are hiring employees with either a diploma or a bachelors degree. Therefore, this encourages Malaysian parents to finance their childrens education to get at least a Bachelors degree for a better career. Besides that, Malaysia acts as one of the world excellence centre for education had created an opportunities for the university by an increases in international student. It is estimated that there are about 70,000 international students from more than 100 countries currently studying in public and private higher education institutions in Malaysia. (Study in Malaysia Handbook 2011) Malaysia is a diverse country with rapid economic development, stable politic, disaster free and it offers an affordable cost to the intern ational student for higher education opportunities will attract more international student in the future. Taylors university can consider providing more choices for world best partner university to increase its opportunity by increase competitiveness and grow its market share. The threat of Taylors university is it facing the increasing size of its competitor. For example, to cope with the increasing demand for quality education in the region, HELP University College will be opening a new state of the art Green Technology Campus in Subang 2 The campus is 600,000 sq ft and it is strategically located between Kota Damansara, Subang, Sungai Buloh, and Shah Alam. Due to the increase awareness of public to prevent and preserve the environment, HELP University College new campus will attract more attention from the public. By improving the facilities of Help University College in the new campus, providing a better partner university choice and offer a lower prising education, Taylors university will faces a higher competition. (HELP International Corporation 2008) Direct competitors are firms that offer products and services that are functionally the same. The direct competitors of Taylors university are those private university college and college for example HELP University College, INTI University College, Sunway University College, and KDU College. Those University and college offer the similar courses and the differences between them is the brand familiarity and the quality of education provided. Taylors University branding themselves by providing quality education, good campus environment and good facilities have made differences between itself with other brands. The extra value that Taylors provide causes a higher price charge for the program. Taylors university have to ensure that they will deliver what they had promised the consumer to gain market share and create customer satisfaction for building customer relationship. An indirect competitor is the businesses that are offering close substitutes products and services. These competitors are probably targeting the markets with a same or similar value proposition, but delivering a different product. The indirect competitors of Taylors university are the governments higher education institutions such as polytechnics, teacher training colleges, community colleges, Public college and Public universities. Some examples of these institutions are TAR College, University Malaya, and Politeknik Port Dickson(PPD). The public system has become competitor because the number of public universities and community colleges is increasing. The cost of studying in a public university is cheaper because 90% of the public universities funding came from Malaysian Government and the balance 10% is from student fees. (MoHE 2008) Segmentation Positioning Strategy Pie Chart 1.1 The pie chart shows the Malaysian household monthly income distribution. The information is sourced from MP Amirshams reply to Dr Michael J Devarajs question during a parliament assembly in July 2008. Demographic factors are the most popular bases for segmenting customer groups. One reason is that customer usage rates, needs and wants always very closely with demographic variables. Besides, demographic variables are easier to measure than other types of variables. Therefore, demographic segmentation is used in this assignment which divides the market into groups based on income for education in Taylor University Lakeside. The three market segments which relevant are low-income, medium-income and high-income. INCOME SEGMENTATION Low-income segment (households monthly income RM4-5k) Medium-income segment (households monthly income RM5-10k) High-income segment (households monthly income >RM10k) Firstly, low-income segment indicates the households monthly income between RM4000 and RM5000. The people from this segment only able to pursue the education provided by national university or governments subsidy universities. Their families cannot afford the expensive tuition fees because they have to spend the money in their daily expenses. Secondly, medium-income segment indicates households monthly income between RM5000 and RM10000. The people from this segment able to pursue the education provided by private universities in the country such as Taylor University and Sunway University. The standard of living is higher, so they willing to spend more money in education. Thirdly, high-income segment indicates the households monthly income more than RM10000. The people from this segment normally will send their children to foreign country for world-class education in United Kingdom or Australia. They totally have to power to cover the expensive living costs and tuition fees of their c hildren at overseas. Taylors Education Group targets affluence customers which are under medium-income segment with high quality facilities and services. This is because customers from medium-income segment have the right size and growth characteristics. Generally, the customers from this segment plan to study locally. With the approximately RM96000 of households annually income, people will choose to study at private college in the country. Local private colleges and universities find it easy to choose a differentiation and positioning strategy. In several cases, two or more competitors will go after the same position. Therefore, each of them will have to find its ways to set itself apart. For instance, Taylor University, Sunway University and Help University put in a lot of effort to decide on a value proposition. Therefore, Taylors Education Group well known for quality in certain segments differentiates itself by the outstanding image, service and slogan. The slogan had successfully been used to communicate with the consumers by sending the message of value and promises that the university will deliver. The slogan of Taylors university had effectively create differentiation between its competitor and position itself as providing superior customer value and leads to the gain of competitive advantage. Furthermore, Taylor goes for more for more positioning strategy. More for more positioning involves providing the most classy services, products and changing a higher price to balance the higher costs. Taylors Education Group differentiates its offer by invested at least RM450 million to build a unique lakeside campus that appeal to people from the medium-income segment. Taylors study environment and facilities are way better than its competitors. Taylors Lakeside Campus is a state-of-the-art modern tropical university campus, designed to meet the needs of students and in line with the nations goal of becoming a local centre of education excellence. The campus is surrounded by a revived 5.5 acre human-made lake and its landscape made up of trees, groundcovers, flowering shrubs, and water plants, which provide a stimulating and rich natural environment. In contrast, compared to Help University College, who using the same for less positioning strategy just to offer a great deal to everyone. By offering this positioning strategy, customers will tend to join Help University College due to the affordable tuition fee. However, the low-prices brand in an effort to lure customers away from market leader. Because of the low cost operations, the buildings and campuses separated and students have to take the shuttle bus to reach specific building for classes. This action brings a lot of inconvenient to customers and triggers them from joining. Customers from medium-income segment normally will chase for the university that fulfil a minimum requirements such as everything in one campus and safety. Besides, high quality study environment and facilities will also make customers chase for it. By offering high quality education and services, Taylors Education Group hopes for higher sales and stronger position within targeted market segment. The lakeside campus successfully developed a stronger position and creates more total sales than its competitors. Although its overall tuition fee above RM18000 per year, compare to other colleges is much more expensive, but customers are still willing to study in this university. As a result, Taylor Lakeside Campus gets a more stable, much greater market share than other college could. Taylors Education Group planned positions that give their services the greatest advantage in selected target markets, served the preferences and needs of well-defined targets markets and yet succeeds because it just meet the right value proposition. Taylor provided impressive and comfortable 4-storey library, retail Podium, Experimental Theatre, 600-pax Auditorium, 300-pax Lecture Theatre and outdoor Amphitheatre. The 4-storey library is so amazing, packed with different computers, facilities and resources. There are also different types of closed study room and discussion rooms in the library which allows students to have discussions among their friends without interrupting other students in the library. Besides, the Retail Podium is where inter-connecting streets lead to banks, cafes, convenience stores, shops and an array of service amenities. Everything of this made Taylor Lakeside campus so outstanding compared to others. In conclusion, the More for More positioning strategy totally more successful compared to The Same for Less. Marketing Mix (4Ps) Analysis Product The main product that Taylors University offers is in a form of service in which they provide education in return for tuition fees. However, there are also other products that the Taylors education group offers which include accommodation and basic necessities such as food and drinks which is provided by the campuss cafeteria and restaurants around the campus. The product that the Taylors education group provides is one of the reasons to the new Taylors Lakeside campuss success. Firstly, Taylors University has provided potential students with many choices of programs which include a variety of pre-university programs, a range of bachelors degree programs and also a PhD program in business administration. With a mixture of so many different courses, students who are seeking a tertiary education would find Taylors as a potential institution to further their studies. It is also important that we recognize the programs Taylors University offers are programs which are popular among todays students and also in demand among parents. With a combination of providing a wide-range of education programs along with programs which are popular, Taylors have found the perfect product that it can offer to the education market. Another type of product that Taylors University offers is the accommodation and dining service. With the presence of a student hostel located next to its main campus, students who are from overseas or a different state need not worry for a place to stay, or for transportation as the campus is only a walking distance away. Not to forget, the many different restaurants and also the cafeteria that is located right at the student hostel. This is one of the advantages the Taylors Lakeside campus has over its competitors, students who study at Taylors need not go a long distance in order to search for good and quality food. With the convenience that is provided by Taylors University, many students find themselves attracted to its product. The campuss structural design has also gained much attention from both prospective students and also parents. Investments made for its attractive architecture has definitely made an impact on the success of this campus. In a survey our group did, we have found that 50 percent of students were initially attracted to study at this new campus due to its attractive design. Price On average, to complete a bachelors degree at Taylors University could cost up to RM80, 000. This price of course varies depending on the course the student engaged in. Here, we will concentrate on the pricing strategies that Taylors University had used for a bachelor of business degree. At Taylors University, to complete a 3 year bachelor of business program would cost an average of RM80, 000. This fee is arguably rather high for a university in Malaysia. When compared to HELP University College, the price to complete a 3 year bachelor of business program is two times higher of that of HELPs. It only cost up to RM40, 000 in order to obtain a business degree at HELP University College. So why is it that Taylors University is making much higher profits compared to HELP University College? The answer is simple, the target market are of those among the medium income segment. From pie chart 1.1, it can be seen that 20.7 % of Malaysians are either in the medium-income segment or the high- income segment. For parents or guardians earning more than RM5, 000 a month, it would not be much of a problem to afford to send their child to complete their studies at Taylors University, provided that they have proper financial management. However, people may question to why parents send their child to Taylors University when they can save the money and send their child to a different university. The answer again is simple; parents want their best for their children. Most parents who are in between the medium-income segment and the high-income segment would not hesitate to send their child to a more renowned University provided that it has quality education, a superior campus and also a convenient location. Place Taylors main campus is located in a location that is accessible to target market. It is strategically located in the urban areas of Subang Jaya which is well known as a student hub consistent of all types of household such as average and above average income household. It is also well linked with other township such as Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya, Shah Alam, and Klang making it a easily accessible educational institution for students to pursue their studies. On the other hand it is located thirty minutes away from Kuala Lumpur which is the capital city of Malaysia. In addition Subang Jaya is linked by highways for example Lebuhraya Damansara Puchong and Federal Highway allowing students who does not live in Subang Jaya reaching the campus much easier. Promotion Taylors uses several promotion tools to persuasively communicate customer value and build customer relationship. One of the tools is advertising. Taylors does their promotion through major media types such as television, newspaper, direct mail magazines, radio and the internet through websites such as facebook twitter, youtube and their very own Taylors website. Another promotion tool that Taylors uses is sales promotion. Taylors encourages purchases of their product by offering discounts such as early birds discount for consumers who register early or pay their fees early. Another discount is children and siblings discount for those who have other siblings studying in the same institution. Other incentives are scholarship such as top achiever scholarship which is based on SPM results. Another promotion tool used is building good public relations. Taylors sponsors events such as sports competition, charity events to build their image in the public. Other than that Taylors uses other public relation tools such as news and written materials to promote their product, facilities and so on. For example Taylors promote the beauty of their new lakeside campus and the facility it provides in a magazine. The last promotion tool that Taylors use is personal selling. Taylors uses sales person such as consultants and counselors to promote their product and build customer relationship through personal interaction. Taylors present their sales by giving a presentation of the products offered at Taylors in events such as career day and Taylors open day. Another example is Taylors sending some sales people to high schools to promote their product and to build long term customer relationship with students who are soon taking their SPM and to those who havent decided what they want to do after they finish their secondary school education. Recommendations Product One way to improve the product Taylors University provides to students is to provide more parking spaces for students who drive to the campus. Based on our observation and research, we have found that many students are unhappy with the parking system and lack of parking spaces imposed by Taylors University. Some have even threatened to leave if a solution is not found. To avoid a bad reputation and a loss of consumer confidence, it is important that they construct more parking lots or change their parking systems. However, a cheaper and more convenient way for the company is to adjust students timetables in order to make the campus less crowded at certain times. For example, the management at Taylors University can move more morning classes into the afternoon in order to avoid over-packed parking slots during the morning. Price A pricing strategy that we would recommend is to provide more student aid for programs which are less popular among students and parents. The student aid would be for those who are not able to afford the entire tuition fees imposed by Taylors University. This way, the company will also benefit from less popular programs as parents from lower-income segments will also be able to afford to send their children for these less popular programs.. From the way we see it, the Taylors Lakeside campus has been profiting huge amounts of money from student fees due to the crowded campus, therefore, we would not recommend a change in price of student fees in order to avoid a congested campus which may deteriorate its quality. An increase in price of student fees may well cause Taylors University to lose its main target segment which are the medium-income earners as for most of them, the price is just right. It may however not have much effect on the high-income earners as it is still affordable f or most of them. Also, reducing the price by a fair amount may cause more low-income earners to send their children to Taylors University to further their education. This would cause the campus to be overcrowded which may in turn decline the campuss quality. Therefore, the only recommendation we have is for Taylors University to provide more student aid for programs which are less popular among students and parents. However, Taylors Education Group is a private limited company which therefore inhibits us from viewing their financial statements which may prove our judgements wrong. Place In order to improve its placing Taylors would need to built more campuses in much more strategic locations in order to make its product easily accessible. Kota Damansara and Puchong are some of the examples of strategic locations. Other than building more campuses, Taylors can build more campuses that offers tertiary educations. Right now the only place students can undergo their tertiary education is at Taylors main campus. To have more campuses that offers the same tertiary education would improve its placing. Promotion On the other hand, to improve its promotion, Taylors can increase its outside sales force. Taylors can do house to house personal selling by sending sales consultants to houses. Instead of the customers come to Taylors, Taylors can go to their potential customers. This introduces a much more personal interaction between the two or more people. Customers will feel much more relax to express their need since they are in their own house. Consultants will be able to observe and make quick adjustments to solve customer problems. Another advantage of doing this house to house personal selling is it can build a much better customer relationship. Another Taylors can do is to improve its promotion is by providing much stronger incentives by offering promotional tools such as premiums or patronage rewards. For example Taylors offered Ali cash reward for being a loyal consumer by studying in their institution for three years. Conclusion The Taylors Lakeside Campus is currently becoming more and more popular. Due to the rising competition from other educational institutions such as HELP University College and Sunway University College, Taylors Lakeside Campus has to constantly strive to distinguish themselves from other educational institutions. Taylors being a well-known educational institution for over four decades certainly has its advantages. This gives a perception to people that Taylors is a well-established educational institution on the basis of the amount of years it has been running. Thus, Taylors is able to use this opportunity to charge a higher price compared to other local universities. However, Taylors must deliver the peoples moneys worth through academic excellence and by providing a conducive environment. Take for instance Taylors Lakeside Campus. Taylors Lakeside Campus still manages to draw many students despite the expensive cost of education because of its past records of academic excellence and also the very peaceful and relaxing environment at Taylors Lakeside Campus. Taylors Lakeside Campus managed to combine both elements of work and play which is very much commendable. Taylors Lakeside Campus targets the high-income segment. This is very much evident in the cost of education of Taylors which is comparably higher than its competitors. Taylors Lakeside Campus is very appealing as it practices the More for More positioning strategy. This strategy requires Taylors to provide outstanding facilities and environment. In return, Taylors will earn a higher brand positioning in the minds of the people. This will then attract them to enrol in Taylors. Taylors Lakeside Campus is a force to be reckoned with in the education industry. From strategic locations to academic excellence, Taylors Education Group is certainly making a tremendous effort up till now for it to be able to withstand the adversities of time. In short, no educational institution is perfect. However, one can stri ve to deliver the best value it can to satisfy customers. Taylors Lakeside Campus can indeed be classified into that category as the epitome of educational institutions.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Madonna: Successfully Incorporating Sexuality Into Music Essay

Madonna Madonna has been a very influential female "popstar" over the last 20 years: to sell her music she has publicised herself through the media, and through this media she has stuck to the concept that "sex does sell". Madonna was born on the 16th of August 1958 as Louise Veronica Ciccone, in Bay City, Michigan. She began her journey into the most influential industry and medium by moving to New York to become a ballerina. From this young age she was very aware of the human body and the way it is perceived. She knew that the body needed to be sold in some way, to 'make it' in these types of industries. At this stage of her life she became anorexic in an attempt to become the "stereotypical" ballerina figure. Louise eventually left her ballerina days, and turned to music. She was part of the Patrick Hernandez Revel, The Breakfast club and Emmy: dance and pop groups that didn't make it to the top. It was through these small groups that she was scouted as a solo artist and in 1982 Louise was signed to Sire Records, under the performance name "Madonna". By the end of 1982 she released her debut single "Everybody", which became an instant hit. This was the start of Madonna's influential music career. Madonna debuted as a young, innocent, Christian girl, with strong morals and values. However, this changed as she began to transform herself and her image to attract a larger audience. She began her career with the stage name Madonna, which she has kept throughout her long career. The word "Madonna" is from the bible, a biblical name for the mother of Jesus (or Virgin Mary), and is a biblical character that is associat... ...le erotic and packaged as a giant condom. Erotica: uncut featured graphic nudity and overt depiction of sex acts In 1998 she seemed to change her style and reinvented herself once again with the release of ray of light: seemed to show a change in perspective and her songs were now bout motherhood and the lose of her mother. Released her record music coinciding in the same year she married Guy Ritchie and her cow-boy image American life was a flop dealt with more contempory issues such as the war and September 11, Sex does sell, she learnt that by incorporating sexuality and sex into her music - so she could sell her album, she performed this by her kiss with Brittany spears last year in which boosted her back into the media and outraged critics but still boosted her otherwise but flopping album sales.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Tourism theories and practices

â€Å" What Do Tourists Make And Why? † Critically DiscussTourism industry has emerged as one of the fastest turning industry and largest employers in the modern universe. This sheer enormousness of the industry is understood from the fact that the Numberss of tourers worldwide are anticipated to be doubled to one billion plus by the terminal of 2010. This essay will discourse in brief the different theories of touristry which define tourer behaviour, their functions, activities and motives which in bend influence the industry. Thesis statement: Tourists and their idea procedure, their behaviour and motives are centrifugal to the construct of touristry. Many bookmans have tried to specify the typology of the tourers, their categorizations in order to understand the construct of touristry. The essay will sketch some of the old theories and the modern twenty-four hours attack and why there is a demand for more research based surveies to work the potency of this industry.Meaning Of Tourism-What Is TourismMichel Eyquem De Montaigne said, â€Å"A adult male should of all time be ready booted to take his journey.† Man because of his gregarious nature is bound to go from one topographic point to another to carry through his assorted demands be it societal, emotional or physical. Traveling is therefore characteristic to human society on the whole. Travel and touristry was traditionally considered as a luxury point. But with the bend of the century, definition of travel and touristry has evolved. Tourism no longer stands for simple travelling or impermanent journeys and corsets chiefly for pleasance, leisure and or recreational intents or a luxury component. Twentieth century ushered in the paradigm displacement in the construct of touristry. In fact it will non be undue to state that there has been passage from the 19th and early twentieth century construct of touristry as an exercising in leisure and pleasance sphere to the construct of touristry as an exercising in concern, economic sciences. It is more of a consumer merchandise ; touristry industry is a vivacious market where touristry merchandises can be sold now as any other consumer merchandise, consumer here is the tourer. ( Kamra, p 157 ) Harmonizing to statistics brought out by the statistics of the World Tourism Organisation ( WTO ) in 1994, touristry contributed 12 per cent of the universe ‘s Gross National Product. ( Kamra, 12 ) Tourism industry is one of the fastest turning industry using 100s of 1000000s of people worldwide, which explains the ground why the survey of the touristry and touristry research has become so of import in non merely the academic field but besides for the economic system on the whole. Modern twenty-four hours touristry is much more than simple travelling ; it is pure economic sciences, which is determined by theories of demand, and supply, which brings in the inquiry of sustainability. Tourism is no more synonymous to going. Today touristry is merely like a normal consumer merchandise which is driven by market kineticss, demand supply, sold through retail mercantile establishments. It no longer remains a luxury of the upper category but has become a aggregate merchandise for the turning consumer market, in this instance the turning tourer community. In fact there has been a combination of factors which have resulted in the proliferation of touristry industry. The premier being increased leisure, higher incomes of burgeoning in-between category. One of the chief drivers to growing in the coming epoch would be the turning in-between category. The survey of touristry theories and patterns hence would chiefly go around around the demands, motives, function, experiences of the tourers. What do tourers make and why? The most general categorization of tourers is on the footing of the demands of the tourer. This would chiefly sort the full tourer community into two groups-the traveller and the tourer. While the former is chiefly conceived as one who would fundamentally go to understand the topographic point and therefore would instead prefer longer trips and would be after it separately. The latter classified, as a tourer in layperson ‘s version would be characterized as one with superficial involvement. One who would indulge in shorter trips and group Tourss or charters and would chiefly depend on tour agents. But this categorization is really obscure.MotivationsMost of the tourers travel for alteration of environment because of which new constructs of touristry like eco-tourism, rural touristry have come into being. Cultural attractive forces, instruction, deriving cognition about new civilizations might be other of import motives. For illustration attractive force towards Buddhist civilization has made Myanmar and some parts of North East India a major hub for Buddhist tourers from all around the universe. Peoples from all around the universe travel to these topographic p oints to acquire see the Buddhist spirit. There can be other motives besides like quest for new experience, personal visits etc. Some of the most prevailing theories of finish development and categorization of tourers Some bookmans have tried to sort the tourer on the footing of their demands, which explains the ground for their travel. For illustration a tourer can be classified as adventurer, elite, upbeat, unusual, mass or charter on the footing of his/her demand. While an explorer tourer group will desire find, escapade, geographic expedition, a elect tourer might hold a particular personally customized tailored trip to any alien topographic points. Or for illustration an upbeat tourer might go to acquire off from the crowds. The categorization harmonizing to demand describes the chief intent of travel. There can be a pure mass group besides under the demand-based categorization where the tourer might prefer normal circuit bundles and vacation trips to conventional topographic points. Therefore categorization on the footing of demand to a big extent determines the demands and the activities of the tourers. There can besides be categorization on the footing of the significance and demand, where tourers might go for the interest of simple diversion, recreation, experiential, experimental grounds. There can be besides motivational based categorization. Understanding the motivation behind going might assist to foretell consumer mind. An American research worker named Plog ( Mason 26 ) put forth his theory based on the psychological science of tourers and these were published in 1973. Plog ‘s theory was based on a instance survey conducted on New York occupants and their attitudes to go. Plog ‘s discussed the tourer behaviour and motives based on the psychological science of the tourers. Therefore there are two types of tourers, the allo-centric and psycho-centric types of tourer. He argued that there are peculiar psychological types who do non like unfamiliar environments or civilizations, so when they select a vacation they will seek the familiar parts than unfamiliar distant parts ( these he termed psycho-centric ) . Plog farther added that there are still some groups in society who will be prepared to put on the line a far more unsure holiday finish. These tourers will seek for strange or unfamiliar and these he termed allo-centric. While the psycho-centric would non go far from the local environment the allo-centric would go long distances to unfamiliar locations. He concluded that the bulk of the tourers were neither to the full psycho- centric nor to the full allo-centric. Rather most of the tourers were located in the centre point between the two extremes of psycho-centric and allo-centric.And that bulk of the tourers would seek the familiar and prefer non to go great distances to acquire at that place. An of import point that emerged from the finish development of Plog ‘s theory is that different tourers finishs are attractive to different types of tourers based on the sort of traveller they are, psycho or allo-centric and that bulk of the tourers will prefer to go for short distances than longer 1s to travel for vacations. Therefore it suggests that the tourer finishs in most of the developed states which are in close propinquity to major population countries, busy countries, markets, residential countries are likely to be developed and turn more rapidly than those in the distant remote countries. However, in existent pattern, sometimes this theory may besides turn out incorrect. On the contrary many of the distant countries are now acquiring faster developed than those near the major population countries. While Plog ‘s theory was based more on the psychological portion of tourers, Erik Cohen ‘s theory relate to the behaviour of the tourers. Erik Cohen who developed a categorization of tourers where there was a four head categorization. First was the organized mass tourers who travel in groups, who prefer packaged vacation ( travel, adjustment, nutrient etc. ) normally arranged by a travel agent. The 2nd type was the single mass tourers who use the same installations as the organized mass tourers, but the difference lies merely in determination devising. This group makes more single based determinations about their activity and trip. There are besides the adventurers and the vagrants. While adventurers would most frequently arrange their ain trips, meet and interact with the locals vagrants avoid all contact with other tourers and leave with the locals. This categorization of tourers lives longer than the other groups. If both the above mentioned tourer theories which fundamentally delve into the features of human behavioural facets are combined so we would see that bulk of Cohen ‘s mass tourer and independent mass tourers would meet with Plog ‘s psycho-centric tourers. Subsequently in the mid 1970s, Doxey proposed the Irritation Index or the Irridex. The Irridex was based on the relationship between the tourers and the locals. The cardinal thought as it is apparent from the name of the index itself is that over a clip period as the figure of tourist addition in a peculiar country, a greater annoyance and hatred would construct up amongst the locals towards the tourers. So, over the clip as the locals gets more irritant with the visitants and go hostile, the figure of visitants might really worsen or might non go on to turn at the same rate as antecedently. But the job with most of these theories was that most of them were non based on proper field research but on treatments. Butler ‘s Tourist Area Life Cycle ( TALC ) ( Mason, 33 ) theoretical account on touristry which is still the most widely accepted and of import theory trades with a peculiar finish, his theory explains how a finish emerge as a tourer finish after several phases. Butler suggested a theoretical account where a touristry finish develops over clip as a consequence of several factors. Destination is a really of import component in touristry. A finish is defined most widely as a merchandise is marketed to its consumers. And like all other merchandises, tourer finishs besides have a life rhythm. Butler proposed a theoretical account for touristry country life rhythm in which he showed how a finish begins as a comparatively unknown topographic point and visitants foremost come in little fractions because of deficiency of entree, installations and local cognition ( Miller and Galluci, 2004 ) The cardinal point in Butler ‘s theoretical account was that planning and proper remedial action by the tourers can assist collar the diminution in resorts and touristry substructure. One of the major challenges that the World Tourism Organization made in its Global Forecasts for the twelvemonth 2000 and beyond is the issue of sustainability, which relates to the absorbent capacity of an economic system with regard to touristry. This does non mention to the physical capacity entirely but besides to the capacity of a peculiar country to supply touristry substructure, pool in investings, work force, and natural resources. While manpower would non be a restraint, other natural resources might be. The theory of sustainable touristry therefore away late has emerged of greater relevancy, which is necessary to advance environmental consciousness and hike touristry industry on the whole. Sustainable touristry in a nutshell can be explained as a agency by which tourer growing is achieved every bit good as environment and Earth ‘s scarce resources are preserved. Apart from the environment issue another firing issue, which might emerge as an hindrance is deficiency of trained skilled work force to present value add-ons. In decision it can be said that although several touristry theories have been put away by several bookmans to find the functions and activities, the features of tourers to hike the industry. There is a general deficiency of consciousness about these theories amidst the policy shapers. Tourism industry is still one of those industries, which is regulated by authorities disposal. There are broad assortments of conceptual and theoretical attacks to touristry, which have to be tested in world. This apart there is a farther demand for more field surveies and employment of professionals in carry oning the research, which will assist accomplish greater theoretical orientation and practical application. The touristry industry has been turning at a phenomenal rate for the last 50 twelvemonth particularly, after the Second World War. The recession has had an consequence on the industry, but the Numberss of tourers worldwide are anticipated to be doubled to one billion plus by the terminal of 2010. Keeping in melody with the altering times consumer demands will besides alter, more categorizations based on turning demands of tourers might emerge. What can be the cultural and societal impact of touristry development Research workers have identified a whole gamut of positive impacts of touristry development on societies. For illustration the direct results of touristry development would be the alteration of the internal construction of the community, increasing employment chances of the local occupants, societal alteration, economic richness, betterment of the quality of life through substructure development. Similarly the interaction between the host and tourer additions tolerance and communicating accomplishments etc. On the cultural side the humanistic disciplines, trades and civilization of the local country might be revived. Research workers have besides identified several cons like deployment of natural resources, increased force per unit area on bing substructure, commodification of civilization and its negative effects etc ( Beeton 2005a, p122 ) Therefore it can be seen in the essay how tourist behavioural demands, motives, actions straight and indirectly affect touristry development in a topographic point. Merely right sort of patterns would be able to give the necessary encouragement to this industry, which entirely will lend the largest ball in planetary trade. Understanding the demands and motives of the tourers will assist hike touristry industry manifolds. What is required is the right attack. Tourists ‘ behaviour research in touristry has to be based on motives, typologies, finish picks and the determination procedure. While this is good some bookmans criticize it as stereotyped and generalized which might non be the same in world. The spread between the theories and the world can be bridged through research and changeless survey of tourer behaviour.MentionsK Kamra 1997, â€Å" Tourism: Theory, Planning and Practice † , Second Edition-2008 Peter Mason, â€Å" Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management † ( Online book version ) , Second edition- 2008, Mason, P. & A ; Cheyne, J. ( 2000 ) . † Residents ‘ Attitudes to Proposed Tourism Development, Annals of Tourism Research. † Peter Mason, â€Å" Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management † Second Edition Abraham Pizam, Yoel Mansfeld, â€Å" Consumer behavior in travel and touristry † Softcover edition published 2000

Friday, November 8, 2019

Why Running is the Best Sport Essay Essays

Why Running is the Best Sport Essay Essays Why Running is the Best Sport Essay Paper Why Running is the Best Sport Essay Paper A great fraction of people on the planet play a sport. Most people prefer to play a team sport to satisfy their needs and for many social reasons. However, although running is not a team sport, it is the best sport out there. Running is the best sport ever because its a way to keep your body in shape, it gives you a great rush after youre finished and because it improves your health. Running is the best sport because it is a great way to keep your body in shape. The sport keeps you up and owing, when commitment is shown. Instead of being a couch potato and watching television every night, a scheduled routine for a daily run could be substituted. Not many people see running as a workout, but It Is. A short, 20 minute easy run can already burn 250 calories. If running becomes a regular activity, those workouts can lead to tremendous changes In weight. Lastly, running Is a great way to train for other sports such as soccer, hockey, baseball, and even basketball. Once your body Is use to the fast pace, heavy breathing and an Increased heart rate type of workout, Its owing to be prepared for any other type of activity involving fast pace, heavy breathing and an increased heart rate. In conclusion, running has many ways it can keep your body in shape. In addition to keeping your body in shape, running can give you an exceptional rush once its completed. A run can make you feel like you accomplished something, whether its beating a previous time or Just simply finishing the run. These things can really make you feel confident and put you in a better mood. Running can also clear your mind after a long day. Some people say they lose themselves thinking during their run, which helps them flush out any thoughts in their head. The addition of the great outdoors Is also a way running makes you feel good. Fresh alarm Is proven to relieve stress and Its great for your body. So, running can be the answer to making you feel better and be a way to clear your mind. The fact that running improves your health is another reason why running is the best sport out there. Running has been proven to help lower blood pressure by maintaining the elasticity of the arteries. As a person runs, his or her arteries expand and contract more than usual, keeping the arteries elastic and the blood pressure low. Running also helps maximize the lungs potential, as it keeps them strong and powerful. While deep breaths force the lungs to use more tissue, the 50% of normally unused lung potential is utilized. Finally, running strengthens the heart and helps prevent heart attacks. The large muscle exercise helps keep the cardiac system efficient and strong. In fact, the heart of an Inactive person beats 36,000 more times ACH day than that of a runner, as running keep the arteries open and the blood flowing smoothly. Therefore, running Is a way to Improve your blood pressure, lung potential and strengthen your heart. In the end, there are many factors that contribute to making running the best sport ever. Keeping you In snaps, Glenn you an exceptional Russ Ana Tanat Its a way to improve your health is why running is such an amazing, world-wide sport. So when thinking about playing another sport, consider running, as it can change your life forever.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Important Facts About Quebec City, Canada

Important Facts About Quebec City, Canada Located on the banks of the St. Lawrence River, Quà ©bec City is the capital city of Canadas Quà ©bec province. Known for its classical architecture and a distinctive European feel, like most of the province, Quà ©bec City (Ville de Quà ©bec) is the second most populous city in the province after Montreal and the eleventh most populous city in Canada. The Historic District of Old Quà ©becs fortified city walls are the only ones of their kind left standing in northern North America, and in 1985, were designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Quà ©bec Citys Early History Quà ©bec City was the first city in Canada  to be established with the goal of becoming a permanent settlement rather than a commercial outpost such as St. Johns, Newfoundland, or Labrador and Port Royal, Nova Scotia. In 1535 the French explorer Jacques Cartier built a fort where he remained in residence for a year. He returned in 1541 to build a permanent settlement, however, it was abandoned in 1542. On July 3, 1608, Samuel de Champlain founded Quà ©bec City, and by 1665, there were over 500 residents. In 1759, Quà ©bec City was taken over by the British who controlled it until 1760, at which time, France was able to regain control. However, in 1763, France ceded New France- which included Quà ©bec City- to Great Britain. The Battle of Quà ©bec took place during the American Revolution as part of an effort to liberate the city from British control but the Revolutionary troops were defeated. This resulted in the splitting off of British North America. Instead of Canada joining the Continental Congress to become a part of the United States, it remained under British authority. Around this same time, the United States began to annex Canadian territory. The land grab precipitated the construction of the Citadel of Quà ©bec which was begun in 1820 to help stave off the American incursion. In 1840, the Province of Canada was formed and the city served as its capital for several years. In 1857, Queen Victoria chose Ottowa to be the capital of Canada in edging out Quà ©bec City, which then became the capital of the province of Quà ©bec. Population, Economy, and Culture Today, Quà ©bec City is one of Canadas largest cities. As of 2016, it had a population of  531,902,  with 800,296 concentrated in its metropolitan center.  Most of the city is French-speaking. Native English speakers represent only 1.5 percent of the citys population. The city is divided into 34 districts and six boroughs. In 2002, several nearby towns were annexed to accommodate growth. Most of the citys economy is based on transportation, tourism, the service sector, and defense. Quà ©bec Citys main industrial products are pulp and paper, food, metal and wood items, chemicals, and electronics. As the capital of the province, the provincial government is one of the citys biggest employers. Quà ©bec City is one of the most visited places in Canada. Tourist flock to its various festivals, the most popular being the Winter Carnival. The city also boasts a host of historic sites, including Citadel of Quà ©bec, as well as and numerous museums. Geographic Features and Climate Quà ©bec City is located along Canadas St. Lawrence River near the confluence with the St. Charles River. Due to its location along these waterways, most of the area is flat and low-lying. However, the Laurentian Mountains north of the city offer increased elevation. The citys climate is generally characterized as humid continental but as it borders several climate regions, the overall climate of Quà ©bec City is considered variable. Summers are warm and humid, while winters are extremely frigid and often windy. The average high temperature in July is 77 °F (25 °C), while the average January low is 0.3 °F (-17.6 °C). Average yearly snowfall is about 124 inches (316 centimeters)- one of the highest amounts in Canada.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Windows Communication Foundation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Windows Communication Foundation - Essay Example The essay "Windows Communication Foundation" describes the opportunities of windows communication foundation usage - the main part of the .NET Framework. Microsoft developed WCF as a set of business standards to define service communications. However basically, WCF is a small method used in new .NET, as a method of writing computer applications. However, we can take benefit of built-in characteristics service hosting, asynchronous calls, instance management, reliability, synchronization, disconnected queued calls, transaction management, security plus rising technologies similar to cloud computing, and the Windows Azure. Windows Communication foundation includes service-oriented architecture standards to uphold distributed computing where services are dedicated to clients. The clients are able to make use of multiple services, as well as services, are able to be consumed by multiple clients. Additionally, a service endpoint is the main element of a constantly obtainable service hosted by IIS, or it can be a service hosted by a system application. In addition, an endpoint can be a client of a service that requests data from a service endpoint. The communication messages are distributed as easily as a single word or character transmitted like XML, or like complex as a stream of binary data. WCF comprises the following group of features like service orientation, interoperability, multiple message patterns, service metadata, security, multiple transportations and encodings, transactions, AJAX and REST Support and extensibility.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Hannibal and the Second Punic War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hannibal and the Second Punic War - Essay Example This history of the Punic Wars is grim and intricate. The reason behind the Second Punic war is simple: the defeat of the Carthaginians in the First Punic War. It became necessary for the losing power to develop and maintain a sentiment of hatred and anger against those who had led them to defeat. The best way to regain Carthage's lost prestige was to conquer and replace large tracts of land to their empire. For the Carthaginians, Spain became an area of ample interest. This idea was further encouraged by Hamilcar Barca. As the premier Phoenician General he had been greatly dishonored and incensed over the defeat and the peace terms set out by Rome. This was coupled with the capture of Sardinia during Carthage's own mercenary war. Spain was then seen as the launching point for future action against Rome: a battle that would help resume the reputation that had been lost by Carthage. The events that befell Cartage before the Second Punic War are important because it was Barca's son who continued with his invasion plans: turning the Second Punic War into a battle which would be remembered for years to come. It began with Barca's designs to construct a strategy that would allow Carthage to retake, establish and maintain its identity. According to the treaty signed between the two countries, Barca had the freedom to expand his conquests in all directions that were meant to be west of the River lberus. This river would flow southeast into the Mediterranean Sea. Its name, Iberus, was later changed, to Ebro. Following the treaty with the Romans meant that the Carthaginians were not to cross the lberus (Arnold 1886). This was coupled with another important aspect to the treaty. The Carthaginians were also bound by the treaty not to interfere with the people of Saguntum. This was a crucial city because it laid between the lberus and the Carthaginian dominions. The Romans knew of its immense significance. They chose this area especially in an effort to control the ever growing Carthaginian forces. They saw the danger of leaving Saguntum to itself and thus enforced another clause in their treat y with Carthage. It was thus that because of Sagnutum's role in alliance with the Romans it was also placed under their protection. Hannibal was Barca's son and developed the same anger and loss of pride that ran deep in his father's veins. He soon transformed into an ardent General: one whose tactics and style would be revered for generations. It was during Barca's time that Carthage had begun to assume a control over Spain. Rome was concerned by these moves of the Carthaginian army and sought a treaty with Carthage which forbade limited them to expand South of the town of Ebro. It was then that an alliance with Saguntum was signed by Rome. This decision was responsible for giving the Romans a small but significant stronghold in the heart of Carthaginian lands. Thus, the Second Punic War was created by the dispute over the hegemony of Saguntum. When Hannibal came into power the Romans and Carthaginians were not at a state of war. Both rested in the comforts of the peace deals that had